Ochocinska et al., 2009 - NeuroD regulates proliferation of photoreceptor progenitors in the retina of the zebrafish. Mechanisms of Development   126(3-4):128-141 Full text @ Mech. Dev.
9 Genes / Markers
Marker Type Symbol Name
Gene ccnb1 cyclin B1
Gene ccnd1 cyclin D1
Gene ccne1 cyclin E1
Gene cdkn1bb cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1Bb
Gene cdkn1ca cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1Ca
Gene hsp70l heat shock cognate 70-kd protein, like
Gene isl1a ISL LIM homeobox 1a
Gene myod1 myogenic differentiation 1
Gene neurod1 neuronal differentiation 1