So et al., 2009 - Her4 is necessary for establishing peripheral projections of the trigeminal ganglia in zebrafish. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications   379(1):22-26 Full text @ Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.
Morpholino List (10 Records)
Target Reagent
dla MO1-dla
dld MO2-dld
hdac1 MO1-hdac1
her4.1 MO2-her4
her4.2 MO2-her4
her4.3 MO2-her4
her4.4 MO2-her4
her4.5 MO2-her4
neurod4 MO1-neurod4
neurog1 MO8-neurog1
notch1a MO1-notch1a
notch1b MO4-notch1b
notch3 MO1-notch3
rbpja MO4-rbpja,rbpjb
rbpjb MO4-rbpja,rbpjb