Fig. 4

Bosco et al., 2013 - Development of hypothalamic serotoninergic neurons requires Fgf signalling via the ETS-domain transcription factor Etv5b
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Fig. 4

Etv5b is sufficient to induce 5-HT identity within a specific competence field in the hypothalamus. (A-D) Confocal maximum intensity projections showing a control zebrafish embryo and an embryo injected with etv5b RNA and processed for 5-HT immunohistochemistry. The intermediate/posterior (i./p.) clusters of the hypothalamus (A,B) and the 5-HT population of the anterior raphe (r.) are indicated (C,D). Ventral views, anterior left. Scale bar: 50 μm. (E) The number of 5-HT cells in the i./p. and r. clusters at 72 hpf after injection of increasing concentrations of etv5b RNA expressed as percentage of control. n, total number of embryos analysed for each experiment. *Pd0.05; n.s., not significant.

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