Mating scheme to generate pairs of 7 dpf zebrafish larval clutches

a PCA plots before (left) and after (right) RUV treatment, showing the separation between wild type and mutant larvae across principle components PC1 and PC2. Each sample is labelled by pair (i.e. B, D, F, G, H, or I). b A volcano plot highlighting identified DE genes in red. The DE genes with absolute log2FC > ±1.2 are labelled on the plot. The black vertical lines indicate absolute log2FC = ±0.5. c A plot of percent variation summarizing the contribution of each variable

Network of relationships between DE genes and significantly-changed GO terms in the Goseq analysis. Dots represent DE genes and are labelled with gene names. Numbered circles represent those GO terms showing significant enrichment for the DE genes. The table below the network indicates the GO represented by each number

Diagrams for four significantly-changed KEGG pathways plotted using pathview [35]. a DNA replication. b cell cycle. c ECM receptor interaction. d oxidative phosphorylation. Intensity of colour represents gene log2FC with downregulation in green and upregulation in red. Pathway maps are displayed with copyright permission from KEGG

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