Figure 4

Figures for Feierstein et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 4

Activity is explained by a small number of features that separate vergence and rotation variables

(A) Explained variance (EV; cross-validated) for the ROIs of an example fish using RRR.

(B) The cross-validated explained variance of the best RRR model (EVRRR) was generally higher than the explained variance of the best MLR model (EVMLR) (left). Right shows performance on training data, i.e., without cross-validation. Same fish as in (A).

(C) Population-explained variance (popEV, cross-validated; see STAR Methods) as a function of the number of features (rank) included in the model for each individual fish (gray traces; example fish in A and B is shown in red) and across fish (average of 8 fish, black trace; error bars correspond to SEM).

(D) The first two features for the example fish. Feature traces are scaled by their overall importance (VS; see STAR Methods). For each feature, variables are color-coded and sorted into vergence, rotation, and tail variables. Vertical dotted line indicates a time shift of zero. Traces of five cross-validation runs are shown and closely overlap. Note that feature 1 groups activity related to vergence and swimming, whereas feature 2 groups activity related to rotation. Features 3–6 of this fish have only a minor contribution to the popEV (see Figure S5).

(E) Contribution of the latent regressors associated with features 1 (vergence) and 2 (rotation) to ROI activity for the same example fish (43,622 ROIs).

See also Figures S4 and S5.

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