Fig. 8

Figures for Alvarez et al., 2009
Figure Caption

Fig. 8 Intraocular injection of LY294002 inhibits angiogenesis but not visual function.

A) The hyaloid vasculature of 5 dpf larvae intraocularly injected with 10 μM LY294002 at 2 dpf shows abnormal patterning and reduced numbers of primary branches compared with controls injected with 1% DMSO (left images are lateral views, and right images are dorsal views of lenses. OD: optic disc; scale bars: 50 μm) B) Graph of the percentage of 5 dpf larvae with optokinetic responses (OKR) following intraocular injection of LY294002 at 1 or 2 dpf. The Fisher test shows no statistically significant difference in visual function when LY294002 is injected intraocularly at 1 or 2 dpf (p values shown on table) C) Graph showing percentage of 5 dpf larvae with normal hyaloid vasculature after injection of LY294002 at 1 or 2 dpf. Intraocular LY294002 at 1 or 2 dpf, significantly inhibits hyaloid angiogenesis. Data graphed from 3 independent experiments; LY294002 at 1 dpf, n = 17; 1% DMSO at 1 dpf, n = 9; LY294002 at 2 dpf, n = 26; 1% DMSO at 2 dpf, n = 13 (***p<0.001, Chi-Square test).

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