Fig. 7

Wong et al., 2020 - Dynamic Buffering of Extracellular Chemokine by a Dedicated Scavenger Pathway Enables Robust Adaptation during Directed Tissue Migration
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Fig. 7

Tissue-Scale Analysis Demonstrates the Requirement for Cxcr7b-Trafficking Switch Regulation for Robust Adaptation during Directed Migration (A) Distance migrated in cxcr7b−/− embryos complemented with Cxcr7b WT, ST/A, or K/A measured at 24 h post-temperature shift. Transgenics distinguished by red eye marker (cry:mKate2). (B) Boxplot, median, and quantiles of normalized distance migrated. Statistics: ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001; ns, not significant. (C) As in (A), in chemokine flood. hsp70:mCherry-cxcl12a transgenics distinguished by green heart marker (clmc2:GFP). (D) Boxplot, median, and quantiles of normalized distance migrated. Statistics: ns, not significant; ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001. (E and F) Time lapse of migration in cxcr7b−/− embryos rescued with the indicated Cxcr7b variants in control and chemokine flood (E) and corresponding kymographs (F). Scale bars, 100 μm (E) and 50 μm (F). Timescale 1 h per bar. See Video S8. (G) Lateral line migration velocity over time; control WT, blue; chemokine flood WT, red; control ST/A, green; and chemokine flood ST/A, orange. (H) Migration velocity in chemokine flood (WT n = 19, red and ST/A n = 21, orange) relative to the mean of control (WT n = 17, blue and ST/A n = 22, green). Difference in time required to resume control velocity between flood WT (red) and flood ST/A (orange) as indicated on plot (5.5 h).

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Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 52(4), Wong, M., Newton, L.R., Hartmann, J., Hennrich, M.L., Wachsmuth, M., Ronchi, P., Guzmán-Herrera, A., Schwab, Y., Gavin, A.C., Gilmour, D., Dynamic Buffering of Extracellular Chemokine by a Dedicated Scavenger Pathway Enables Robust Adaptation during Directed Tissue Migration, 492-508.e10, Copyright (2020) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell