Fig 6

Phan et al., 2019 - Differential actinodin1 regulation in embryonic development and adult fin regeneration in Danio rerio
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Fig 6

<italic>EI</italic> contains an adult tissuetranscriptional booster.

In vivo time course analysis of reporter expression of Tg((1117–1)EIand1:eGFP) (N = 3; n = 35) (B-D) and Tg(2PΔepi-EIand1:eGFP) (N = 3; n = 31) (E-G), at 3dpf (B, E), in intact fins at 90dpf (C, F), and at 4dpa (D, G) during fin regeneration. Note: adult fins are oriented in the proximal to distal direction (left to right). (B-D) Tg((1117–1)EIand1:eGFP) expression only occurs in the ectodermal/basal epithelial tissue; (E-G) Tg(2PΔepi-EIand1:eGFP), only mesenchymal tissue. fr: fin ray. N = number of lines found; n = total number of fish analysed. Scale bars: B, E = 25μm, C, F = 200μm and D, G = 200μm.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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