Fig. 3

Figures for Ali et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 3 Implication of a GLI3–CNE in disease-related sequence variation. (a) VISTA plot showing CNE15 deep conservation down to elephant shark (cm; Callorhinchus milii) using human as a baseline. Human–mouse conserved sequence is shown underneath the dashed green line (566 bp) and is extended by ~50 bp in both directions to cover the human–mouse conserved peak included for transgenesis. (b) CNE15 enhancer induced transgenic GFP reporter expression in the olfactory placode of zebrafish embryos at 48 hpf (white arrowhead). (c) CNE15 drives LacZ reporter activity in the presumptive upper nasal process (np) at the boundary to the forebrain in mouse embryos at E11.5 (black arrowhead). “n” indicates the number of transgenic mouse embryos with LacZ activity in the np. op, olfactory placode; np, nasal process.

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