Figures for Ma et al., 2023
Figure Caption


dscaml1 deficiency alters the development of CRH neurons in the intermediate and rostral hypothalamus. (A) Illustration of the larval brain, with the IH highlighted in orange. Imaging planes used for CRHIH neuron analysis are shown (light blue planes). (B, C) Labeling of CRHIH neurons by crhb FISH (green) and co-stained with anti-ERK1/2 (magenta). Representative confocal sub-stacks containing the IH are shown, with the IH (boxed region) enlarged and shown in the right panel without the ERK1/2 co-stain. WT brain is shown in panel B and dscaml1−/− brain is shown in panel C. (D–E) Quantification of the signal intensity per cell (D) and cell number (E). (F) Illustration of the larval brain, with the RH highlighted in pink. Imaging planes used for CRHRH neuron analysis are shown (light blue planes). (G–H) Labeling of CRHRH neurons by crhb FISH (green) and co-stained with anti-ERK1/2 (magenta). Representative confocal sub-stacks containing the RH are shown, with the RH (boxed region) enlarged and shown in the right panel without the ERK1/2 co-stain. WT brain is shown in panel G and dscaml1−/− brain is shown in panel H. (I–J) Quantification of the signal intensity per cell (I) and cell number (J). WT: n = 15. dscaml1−/−: n = 18. Scale bars are 20 μm. Mean, standard error, and p values are shown.

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