Fig. 3

Figures for Cantabella et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 3

Effect of radiation exposure on locomotor activity and dosage of Acetylcholinesterase activity. Total distance travelled in centimeter (cm) was evaluated by (a) Shoaling test (n = 32), (b,c) Novel tank test and (d,e) Social preference test in females zebrafish (n = 9–10) and males (n = 10–11). Data are represented by mean (black point), median (horizontal line) and ±75th and 25th percentiles, and significance assessed by Gamma generalized linear mixed models (a) or Gaussian linear effects models (be). Measure of AChE activity in (f) brain and (g) muscle of females, and in males (h,i). Data are represented by mean (black point), median (horizontal line) and ±75th and 25th percentiles of 7 individuals per condition. AChE activity is shown as enzymatic activity Unit per mg of protein (U/mg protein). Statistical analysis was performed by using one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnet post-hoc test. * p < 0.05.

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