Fig. 1

Figures for Lubanska et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

Design and Structural Characterization of the HA-CPNs. (A) Schematic structure of HA-CPNs; (B) SANS form factor for a dilute dispersion of HA-CNPs in D2O fit with a solid line using an empirical Guinier-Porod model. The slope in the Porod region of the plot shows a q-dependency of q−4.2, suggesting a spherical particle shape; (C) Real-space distance distribution function from an inversion approach demonstrating uniformity consistent with spherical particles of maximum dimension Dmax; (D) Kratky plot demonstrates a peak and plateau characteristic of compact globular structures. (E) Dynamic light scattering of HA-CPNs. Average diameter of 109 nm; (F) Transmission electron microscopy image of HA-CPNs. Scale bar of 50 nm.

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