Fig. 4

Figures for Braunstein et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Fig. 4 Shh/Smo signaling promotes ray branching in all paired and unpaired fins. Brightfield and fluorescence overlay images of isolated fins from shha:GFP;runx2:mCherry juvenile fish treated with DMSO (A–G) or 1.25 ​μM BMS-822923 (BMS; H–N) from 21 to 42 dpf. runx2:mCherry-labeled rays branch (white arrowheads) in all fins whereas rays of BMS-treated fish mostly fail to branch or have severely delayed branching (yellow arrowheads). shha:GFP+basal epidermal cells are restricted to distal ray tips under both conditions. n=6 for each group. Scale bars are 1 ​mm.

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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 477, Braunstein, J.A., Robbins, A.E., Stewart, S., Stankunas, K., Basal epidermis collective migration and local sonic hedgehog signaling promote skeletal branching morphogenesis in zebrafish fins, 177-190, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.