Figure 2

Figures for Da Silva-Álvarez et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Figure 2

Removal of senescent cells impairs fin regeneration. (a) Schematic representation of the experimental strategy followed to analyze the effect of removing senescent cells from amputated fins after incubation with ABT‐263 for 48 or 72 hr, or treated with vehicle (VEH). (b) SAbetaGal activity measured using Galacton substrate at 8 days postamputation and after treatment with ABT‐263 for 48 or 72 hr, or with vehicle (VEH) (from 5–10 animals per condition). (c) Expression levels by QPCR of cdkn1a (left panel) and cdkn2ab (right panel) genes relative to the housekeeping gene rps11 at 8 dpa and after treatment with ABT‐263 for 48 or 72 hr, or with vehicle (VEH). (d) Length of regenerate (%) reached by amputated fins at 8 days postamputation and after treatment with ABT‐263 relative to untreated amputated fins (five animals per group). (e) Representative photomicrographs of larval fins stained for SAbetaGal or p21, 24 hr after amputation and control fin (CTRL). Scale bars: SAbetaGAL: 200 µm; p21: 75 µm. Results are presented as mean ± SD ***p < .001, **p < .01, *p < .05, n.s. nonsignificant

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