Fig. 7

Figures for Vemaraju et al., 2012
Figure Caption

Fig. 7 Normal axial patterning in fgf5 morphants.

(A-H) Expression of regional patterning markers in control embryos (A–D) and fgf5 morphants (E-H). Expression of pax5 (A, E) and pou3f3b (B, F) labels anterior and posterior regions, respectively. Expression of otx1a (C, G) and dlx3b (D, H) labels ventromedial and dorsolateral regions, respectively. The otic vesicle is outlined. Images show dorsolateral views with anterior to the left. (I) The total number of hair cells in the utricular (ut) and saccular (sac) maculae of control embryos and fgf5 morphants at 32 hpf. Data were obtained by counting GFP-positive hair cells (mean of total number ± standard deviation) in the sensory epithelia of brn3c:Gfp transgenic embryos. Data show means and standard deviations from 20 specimens each. Differences between control and experimental specimens were not statistically significant (p = 0.16 for the utricle, p = 0.67 for the saccule) based on Student′s t tests.

Figure Data
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