Fig. S2

Figures for Yano et al., 2012
Figure Caption

Fig. S2

Distribution of gal4 reporter in the hspGFFDMC131A line. The hspGFFDMC131A line was crossed with the UAS:GFP line; Gal4 distribution is shown by GFP fluorescence. (A-C) Lateral view of embryos at 32 (A), 38 (B) and 76 (C) hpf. At 32 hpf, GFP was distributed in the epidermis, brain and AER (arrowhead in A). At 38 hpf, the AF was clearly visible by the GFP distribution (arrowhead in B). (C) At 76 hpf, GFP was distributed in several organs (brain, branchiae, spinal cord, AF and median fin fold).

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