Fig. EV1

Jamadagni et al., 2021 - Chromatin remodeller CHD7 is required for GABAergic neuron development by promoting PAQR3 expression
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Fig. EV1

Translation following genome editing resulted in a premature stop codon (*) in chd7−/− fish. qPCR analysis of RNAs from 3dpf larvae shows a significant reduction of chd7 mRNA expression in both chd7+/− and chd7−/− compared with wild-type (N = 5). ****P < 0.0001, one-way ANOVA. Examination of brain tissues in chd7+/+ (left images) and chd7−/− (right images) by H&E staining at 5 dpf. Zebrafish brains were sectioned at telencephalic (1,1’), diencephalic (2, 2’), mesencephalic (3,3’) and rhombencephalic levels (4,4’). Levels of sections are indicated in the sketch of a sagittal view of a 5 dpf zebrafish brain (top image). The scale bar is 0.12 mm. P: pallium, S: subpallium, Po:preoptic region, Tel: Telencephalon; TeO: tectum opticum (or OT: optic tectum), m: medial tectal proliferating zone, DT: dorsal thalamus, PTd: dorsal part of posterior tuberculum, PTv: ventral part of posterior tuberculum, MO: medulla oblongata, Hyp: hypothalamus, CeP: cerebellar plate. chd7−/− mutant fish displayed features of CS such as heart defects (red arrow) at a low penetrance (N = 3). ****P < 0.0001; Student’s t-test. Alcian blue staining of 6dpf larvae showing craniofacial defects at Meckel’s cartilage (red arrow). Data information: Data are presented as mean ± SEM. n is the number of fish used. N is the number of experimental repeats.

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