ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-070815-2
Feitsma, Harma
Email: h.feitsma@niob.knaw.nl
Affiliation: Cuppen Lab
Address: Genome Biology Group Hubrecht Institute Uppsalalaan 8 Utrecht, 3584 CT Netherlands
Country: Netherlands
Phone: +31 30 2121969


de Bruijn, E., Cuppen, E., and Feitsma, H. (2009) Highly Efficient ENU Mutagenesis in Zebrafish. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 546:3-12
Feitsma, H., Akay, A., and Cuppen, E. (2008) Alkylation damage causes MMR-dependent chromosomal instability in vertebrate embryos. Nucleic acids research. 36(12):4047-4056
Feitsma, H., Kuiper, R.V., Korving, J., Nijman, I.J., and Cuppen, E. (2008) Zebrafish with mutations in mismatch repair genes develop neurofibromas and other tumors. Cancer research. 68(13):5059-5066
Feitsma, H., de Bruijn, E., van de Belt, J., Nijman, I.J., and Cuppen, E. (2008) Mismatch repair deficiency does not enhance ENU mutagenesis in the zebrafish germ line. Mutagenesis. 23(4):325-329
Feitsma, H., and Cuppen, E. (2008) Zebrafish as a cancer model. Molecular cancer research : MCR. 6(5):685-694
Leal, M.C., Feitsma, H., Cuppen, E., França, L.R., and Schulz, R.W.. (2008) Completion of meiosis in male zebrafish (Danio rerio) despite lack of DNA mismatch repair gene mlh1. Cell and tissue research. 332(1):133-139
Blaschke, R.J., Hahurij, N.D., Kuijper, S., Just, S., Wisse, L.J., Deissler, K., Maxelon, T., Anastassiadis, K., Spitzer, J., Hardt, S.E., Scholer, H., Feitsma, H., Rottbauer, W., Blum, M., Meijlink, F., Rappold, G., and Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2007) Targeted Mutation Reveals Essential Functions of the Homeodomain Transcription Factor Shox2 in Sinoatrial and Pacemaking Development. Circulation. 115(14):1830-1838
Feitsma, H., Leal, M.C., Moens, P.B., Cuppen, E., and Schulz, R.W. (2007) Mlh1 Deficiency In Zebrafish Results In Male Sterility And Aneuploid As Well As Triploid Progeny In Females. Genetics. 175(4):1561-1569