ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-121026-1
Legler Lab
PI/Director: Legler, Juliette
Contact Person: Legler, Juliette
Email: Juliette.Legler@vu.nl
Country: Netherlands
Line Designation: None assigned


Mechanisms of toxicity and effects of early life stage exposure to chemicals in the zebrafish

den Broeder, Marjo Graduate Student Sales, Liana Bastos Graduate Student

Garoche, C., Boulahtouf, A., Grimaldi, M., Chiavarina, B., Toporova, L., den Broeder, M.J., Legler, J., Bourguet, W., Balaguer, P. (2021) Interspecies Differences in Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ by Pharmaceutical and Environmental Chemicals. Environmental science & technology. 55(24):16489-16501
Crespo, D., Assis, L.H.C., Zhang, Y.T., Safian, D., Furmanek, T., Skaftnesmo, K.O., Norberg, B., Ge, W., Choi, Y.C., den Broeder, M.J., Legler, J., Bogerd, J., Schulz, R.W. (2021) Insulin-like 3 affects zebrafish spermatogenic cells directly and via Sertoli cells. Communications biology. 4:204
den Broeder, M.J., Ballangby, J., Kamminga, L.M., Aleström, P., Legler, J., Lindeman, L.C., Kamstra, J.H. (2020) Inhibition of methyltransferase activity of enhancer of zeste 2 leads to enhanced lipid accumulation and altered chromatin status in zebrafish. Epigenetics & chromatin. 13:5
Kamstra, J.H., Hurem, S., Martin, L.M., Lindeman, L.C., Legler, J., Oughton, D., Salbu, B., Brede, D.A., Lyche, J.L., Aleström, P. (2018) Ionizing radiation induces transgenerational effects of DNA methylation in zebrafish. Scientific Reports. 8:15373
Kopp, R., Martínez, I.O., Legradi, J., Legler, J. (2017) Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals perturbs lipid metabolism and circadian rhythms. Journal of environmental sciences (China). 62:133-137
Legradi, J., Pomeren, M.V., Dahlberg, A.K., Legler, J. (2017) Effects of Hydroxylated Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Developing Zebrafish Are Indicative of Disruption of Oxidative Phosphorylation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18(5)
den Broeder, M.J., Moester, M.J.B., Kamstra, J.H., Cenijn, P.H., Davidoiu, V., Kamminga, L.M., Ariese, F., de Boer, J.F., Legler, J. (2017) Altered Adipogenesis in Zebrafish Larvae Following High Fat Diet and Chemical Exposure Is Visualised by Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18(4)
Kamstra, J.H., Sales, L.B., Aleström, P., Legler, J. (2017) Differential DNA methylation at conserved non-genic elements and evidence for transgenerational inheritance following developmental exposure to mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and 5-azacytidine in zebrafish. Epigenetics & chromatin. 10:20
Aragon, A., Legradi, J., Ballesteros-Gómez, A., Legler, J., van Velzen, M., de Boer, J., Leonards, P. (2017) Determination of monoamine neurotransmitters in zebrafish (Danio rerio) by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with a two-step derivatization. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 409(11):2931-2939
Kopp, R., Billecke, N., Legradi, J., den Broeder, M., Parekh, S.H., Legler, J. (2016) Bringing obesity to light: Rev-erbα, a central player in light-induced adipogenesis in the zebrafish?. International journal of obesity (2005). 40(5):824-32
Kopp, R., Legler, J., Legradi, J. (2016) Alterations in locomotor activity of feeding zebrafish larvae as a consequence of exposure to different environmental factors. Environmental science and pollution research international. 25(5):4085-4093
Tufi, S., Leonards, P.E., Lamoree, M.H., De Boer, J., Legler, J., Legradi, J. (2016) Changes in neurotransmitter profiles during early zebrafish (Danio rerio) development and after pesticide exposure. Environmental science & technology. 50(6):3222-30
Dahlberg, A.K., Bignert, A., Legradi, J., Legler, J., Asplund, L. (2016) Anthropogenic and naturally produced brominated substances in Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) from two sites in the Baltic Sea. Chemosphere. 144:2408-2414
Bouwmeester, M.C., Ruiter, S., Lommelaars, T., Sippel, J., Hodemaekers, H.M., van den Brandhof, E.J., Pennings, J.L., Kamstra, J.H., Jelinek, J., Issa, J.J., Legler, J., van der Ven, L.T. (2016) Zebrafish embryos as a screen for DNA methylation modifications after compound exposure. Toxicology and applied pharmacology. 291:84-96
Kamstra, J.H., Aleström, P., Kooter, J.M., Legler, J. (2015) Zebrafish as a model to study the role of DNA methylation in environmental toxicology. Environmental science and pollution research international. 22(21):16262-76
Legradi, J., El Abdellaoui, N., van Pomeren, M., Legler, J. (2015) Comparability of behavioural assays using zebrafish larvae to assess neurotoxicity. Environmental science and pollution research international. 22(21):16277-89
Kamstra, J.H., Løken, M., Aleström, P., Legler, J. (2015) Dynamics of DNA Hydroxymethylation in Zebrafish. Zebrafish. 12(3):230-7
Den Broeder, M.J., Kopylova, V.A., Kamminga, L.M., Legler, J. (2015) Zebrafish as a Model to Study the Role of Peroxisome Proliferating-Activated Receptors in Adipogenesis and Obesity. PPAR research. 2015:358029
Busquet, F., Strecker, R., Rawlings, J.M., Belanger, S.E., Braunbeck, T., Carr, G.J., Cenijn, P., Fochtman, P., Gourmelon, A., Hübler, N., Kleensang, A., Knöbel, M., Kussatz, C., Legler, J., Lillicrap, A., Martínez-Jerónimo, F., Polleichtner, C., Rzodeczko, H., Salinas, E., Schneider, K.E., Scholz, S., Brandhof, E.J., van der Ven, L.T., Walter-Rohde, S., Weigt, S., Witters, H., Halder, M. (2014) OECD validation study to assess intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility of the zebrafish embryo toxicity test for acute aquatic toxicity testing. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP. 69(3):496-511
Hawliczek, A., Nota, B., Cenijn, P., Kamstra, J., Pieterse, B., Winter, R., Winkens, K., Hollert, H., Segner, H., and Legler, J. (2012) Developmental toxicity and endocrine disrupting potency of 4-azapyrene, benzo[b]fluorene and retene in the zebrafish Danio rerio. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.). 33(2):213-223
Legler, J., Velzen, M.V., Cenijn, P., Houtman, C., Lamoree, M., and Wegener, J. (2011) Effect-directed analysis of municipal landfill soil reveals novel developmental toxicants in the zebrafish Danio rerio. Environmental science & technology. 45(19):8552-8
Busch, W., Duis, K., Fenske, M., Maack, G., Legler, J., Padilla, S., Strähle, U., Witters, H., and Scholz, S. (2011) The zebrafish embryo model in toxicology and teratology. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.). 31(4):585-588
van Boxtel, A.L., Gansner, J.M., Hakvoort, H.W., Snell, H., Legler, J., and Gitlin, J.D. (2011) Lysyl oxidase-like 3b is Critical for Cartilage Maturation During Zebrafish Craniofacial Development. Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology. 30(3):178-87
Kamminga, L.M., Luteijn, M.J., den Broeder, M.J., Redl, S., Kaaij, L.J., Roovers, E.F., Ladurner, P., Berezikov, E., and Ketting, R.F. (2010) Hen1 is required for oocyte development and piRNA stability in zebrafish. The EMBO journal. 29(21):3688-3700
van Boxtel, A.L., Pieterse, B., Cenijn, P., Kamstra, J.H., Brouwer, A., van Wieringen, W., de Boer, J., and Legler, J. (2010) Dithiocarbamates Induce Craniofacial Abnormalities and Downregulate sox9a during Zebrafish Development. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology. 117(1):209-217
van Boxtel, A.L., Kamstra, J.H., Fluitsma, D.M., and Legler, J. (2010) Dithiocarbamates are teratogenic to developing zebrafish through inhibition of lysyl oxidase activity. Toxicology and applied pharmacology. 244(2):156-161
den Broeder, M.J., van der Linde, H., Brouwer, J.R., Oostra, B.A., Willemsen, R., and Ketting, R.F. (2009) Generation and characterization of FMR1 knockout zebrafish. PLoS One. 4(11):e7910
van Boxtel, A.L., Kamstra, J.H., Cenijn, P.H., Pieterse, B., Wagner, J.M., Antink, M., Krab, K., van der Burg, B., Marsh, G., Brouwer, A., and Legler, J. (2008) Microarray analysis reveals a mechanism of phenolic polybrominated diphenylether toxicity in zebrafish. Environmental science & technology. 42(5):1773-1779
Koudijs, M.J., den Broeder, M.J., Groot, E., and van Eeden, F.J. (2008) Genetic analysis of two zebrafish patched homologues identifies novel roles for the hedgehog signaling pathway. BMC Developmental Biology. 8:15
Bogers, R., Mutsaerds, E., Druke, J., De Roode, D.F., Murk, A.J., Van Der Burg, B., and Legler, J. (2006) Estrogenic endpoints in fish early life-stage tests: luciferase and vitellogenin induction in estrogen-responsive transgenic zebrafish. Environmental toxicology and chemistry. 25(1):241-247
Koudijs, M.J., den Broeder, M.J., Keijser, A., Wienholds, E., Houwing, S., van Rooijen, E.M., Geisler, R., and van Eeden, F.J. (2005) The Zebrafish Mutants dre, uki, and lep Encode Negative Regulators of the Hedgehog Signaling Pathway. PLoS Genetics. 1(2):e19
Schreurs, R.H., Legler, J., Artola-Garicano, E., Sinnige, T.L., Lanser, P.H., Seinen, W., and Van der Burg, B. (2004) In vitro and in vivo antiestrogenic effects of polycyclic musks in zebrafish. Environmental science & technology. 38(4):997-1002
Legler, J., Zeinstra, L.M., Schuitemaker, F., Lanser, P.H., Bogerd, J., Brouwer, A., Vethaak, A.D., De Voogt, P., Murk, A.J., and Van der Burg, B. (2002) Comparison of in vivo and in vitro reporter gene assays for short-term screening of estrogenic activity. Environmental science & technology. 36(20):4410-4415
Legler, J., Broekhof, J.L.M., Brouwer, A., Lanser, P.H., Murk, A.J., Van der Saag, P.T., Vethaak, A.D., Wester, P., Zivkovic, D., and Van der Burg, B. (2000) A novel in vivo bioassay for (xeno-)estrogens using transgenic zebrafish. Environmental science & technology. 34(20):4439-4444