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GO: Biological Process

mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint signaling

Term ID
  • down regulation of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint
  • down regulation of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2/M transition DNA damage checkpoint
  • down-regulation of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint
  • down-regulation of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2/M transition DNA damage checkpoint
  • G2 DNA damage checkpoint
  • G2/M transition DNA damage checkpoint
  • inhibition of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint
  • mitotic cell cycle G2/M transition DNA damage checkpoint
  • mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint
  • negative regulation of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint
  • negative regulation of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2/M transition DNA damage checkpoint
  • positive regulation of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint
  • positive regulation of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2/M transition DNA damage checkpoint
  • regulation of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint
  • regulation of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2/M transition DNA damage checkpoint
  • signal transduction involved in G2 DNA damage checkpoint
  • signal transduction involved in G2/M transition DNA damage checkpoint
  • signal transduction involved in mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint
  • signal transduction involved in mitotic G2/M transition DNA damage checkpoint
A mitotic cell cycle checkpoint that detects and negatively regulates progression through the G2/M transition of the cell cycle in response to DNA damage. 16299494
GO: Biological Process    QuickGO    AmiGO
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