ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-101015-2
Chuang, Jeffrey
Email: jeff.chuang@jax.org
URL: http://chuanglabwiki.jax.org
Affiliation: Chuang Lab
Address: The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine 10 Discovery Drive Farmington, CT 06032-2352
Country: United States
Phone: 860-837-2473

Computational and experimental characterizations of enhancer sequences. We have built cneBrowser, a database of ~200 conserved noncoding elements we have tested for enhancer activity in zebrafish. This is available at http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/chuanglab/cneBrowser/ . We have also built cneViewer, a web tool to identify conserved noncoding elements in the zebrafish genome based on their proximity to genes of known anatomical expression. This is available at http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/chuanglab/cneViewer/ .

Relevant pubs:
The Importance of Being Cis: Evolution of Orthologous Fish and Mammalian Enhancer Activity. Deborah I. Ritter, Qiang Li, Dennis Kostka, Katherine S. Pollard, Su Guo and Jeffrey H. Chuang. Mol Bio Evol 27:2322 (2010).

A systematic approach to identify functional motifs within vertebrate developmental enhancers. Qiang Li, Deborah Ritter, Nan Yang, Zhiqiang Dong, Hao Li, Jeffrey H. Chuang, Su Guo. Developmental Biology 337:484 (2009)

cneViewer: A Database of Conserved Noncoding Elements for Studies of Tissue-Specific Gene Regulation. J. Persampieri, D. I. Ritter, D. Lees, J. Lehoczky, Q. Li, S. Guo, and Jeffrey H. Chuang. Bioinformatics, 24:2418-2419 (2008).

Shang, R., Kretov, D.A., Adamson, S.I., Treiber, T., Treiber, N., Vedanayagam, J., Chuang, J.H., Meister, G., Cifuentes, D., Lai, E.C. (2022) Regulated dicing of pre-mir-144 via reshaping of its terminal loop. Nucleic acids research. 50(13):7637-7654
Ritter, D.I., Dong, Z., Guo, S., and Chuang, J.H. (2012) Transcriptional enhancers in protein-coding exons of vertebrate developmental genes. PLoS One. 7(5):e35202