ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-060707-9
Alexandre, Paula
Email: p.alexandre@ucl.ac.uk
URL: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ich/research/developmental-biology-cancer/developmental-biology-birth-defects/paula-alexandre-research-group/
Affiliation: Alexandre Lab
Address: at Developmental Biology and Cancer UCL Institute of Child Health 30 Guilford Street London WC1N 1EH UK
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)2079052941


Moore, R.E., Clarke, J., Alexandre, P. (2020) Protrusion-Mediated Signaling Regulates Patterning of the Developing Nervous System. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 8:579073
Hadjivasiliou, Z., Moore, R.E., McIntosh, R., Galea, G.L., Clarke, J.D.W., Alexandre, P. (2019) Basal Protrusions Mediate Spatiotemporal Patterns of Spinal Neuron Differentiation. Developmental Cell. 49:907-919.e10
McIntosh, R., Norris, J., Clarke, J.D., Alexandre, P. (2017) Spatial distribution and characterization of non-apical progenitors in the zebrafish embryo central nervous system. Open Biology. 7(2)
Cearns, M.D., Escuin, S., Alexandre, P., Greene, N.D., Copp, A.J. (2016) Microtubules, polarity and vertebrate neural tube morphogenesis. Journal of anatomy. 229(1):63-74
Moore, R., Theveneau, E., Pozzi, S., Alexandre, P., Richardson, J., Merks, A., Parsons, M., Kashef, J., Linker, C., and Mayor, R. (2013) Par3 controls neural crest migration by promoting microtubule catastrophe during contact inhibition of locomotion. Development (Cambridge, England). 140(23):4763-4775
Alexandre, P., Reugels, A.M., Barker, D., Blanc, E., and Clarke, J.D. (2010) Neurons derive from the more apical daughter in asymmetric divisions in the zebrafish neural tube. Nature Neuroscience. 13(6):673-679
Kosodo, Y., Toida, K., Dubreuil, V., Alexandre, P., Schenk, J., Kiyokage, E., Attardo, A., Mora-Bermúdez, F., Arii, T., Clarke, J.D., and Huttner, W.B. (2008) Cytokinesis of neuroepithelial cells can divide their basal process before anaphase. The EMBO journal. 27(23):3151-3163

1. Alexandre P., Bachy I., Marcou M., Wassef M. (2006) Positive and negative regulations by FGF8 contribute to midbrain roof plate developmental plasticity. Development 133, 2905-13.
2. Alexandre P. and Wassef M., (2005) Does the isthmic organizer influence D/V patterning of the midbrain?, review, Brain Research Reviews 49, 127-33.
3. Narboux-Neme N., Louvi A., Alexandre P., Wassef M., (2005) Regionalization of the isthmic and cerebellar primordial; review, Progress Brain Research 148, 29-36.
4. Alexandre P. and Wassef M. (2003) The isthmic organizer links anteroposterior and dorsoventral patterning in the mid/hindbrain by generating roof plate structures. Development 130, 5331-8.
5. Louvi A., Alexandre P., Metin C., Wurst W., Wassef M. (2003) The isthmic neuroepithelium is essential for cerebellar midline fusion. Development 130, 5319-30.