ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-040810-19
Goode, Debbie
Email: dkg23@cam.ac.uk
Address: Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience University of Cambridge Anatomy Building Downing Street Cambridge , CB2 3DY United Kingdom


Pauls, S., Goode, D.K., Petrone, L., Oliveri, P., Elgar, G. (2015) Evolution of lineage-specific functions in ancient cis-regulatory modules. Open Biology. 5(11)
Doglio, L., Goode, D.K., Pelleri, M.C., Pauls, S., Frabetti, F., Shimeld, S.M., Vavouri, T., and Elgar, G. (2013) Parallel evolution of chordate cis-regulatory code for development. PLoS Genetics. 9(11):e1003904
Goode, D.K., Callaway, H.A., Cerda, G.A., Lewis, K.E., and Elgar, G. (2011) Minor change, major difference: divergent functions of highly conserved cis-regulatory elements subsequent to whole genome duplication events. Development (Cambridge, England). 138(5):879-884
McEwen, G.K., Goode, D.K., Parker, H.J., Woolfe, A., Callaway, H., and Elgar, G. (2009) Early evolution of conserved regulatory sequences associated with development in vertebrates. PLoS Genetics. 5(12):e1000762
Woolfe, A., Goode, D.K., Cooke, J., Callaway, H., Smith, S., Snell, P., McEwen, G.K., and Elgar, G. (2007) CONDOR: a database resource of developmentally associated conserved non-coding elements. BMC Developmental Biology. 7(1):100
Paparidis, Z., Abbasi, A.A., Malik, S., Goode, D.K., Callaway, H., Elgar, G., Degraaff, E., Lopez-Rios, J., Zeller, R., and Grzeschik, K.H. (2007) Ultraconserved non-coding sequence element controls a subset of spatiotemporal GLI3 expression. Development, growth & differentiation. 49(6):543-553
Abbasi, A.A., Paparidis, Z., Malik, S., Goode, D.K., Callaway, H., Elgar, G., and Grzeschik, K.H. (2007) Human GLI3 Intragenic Conserved Non-Coding Sequences Are Tissue-Specific Enhancers. PLoS One. 2(1):e366
McEwen, G.K., Woolfe, A., Goode, D., Vavouri, T., Callaway, H., and Elgar, G. (2006) Ancient duplicated conserved noncoding elements in vertebrates: a genomic and functional analysis. Genome research. 16(4):451-465
Goode, D.K., Snell, P., Smith, S.F., Cooke, J.E., and Elgar, G. (2005) Highly conserved regulatory elements around the SHH gene may contribute to the maintenance of conserved synteny across human chromosome 7q36.3. Genomics. 86(2):172-181
Woolfe, A., Goodson, M., Goode, D.K., Snell, P., McEwen, G.K., Vavouri, T., Smith, S.F., North, P., Callaway, H., Kelly, K., Walter, K., Abnizova, I., Gilks, W., Edwards, Y.J., Cooke, J.E., and Elgar, G. (2005) Highly conserved non-coding sequences are associated with vertebrate development. PLoS Biology. 3(1):e7