ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-170216-5
Liangyi Chen Lab
PI/Director: Chen, Liangyi
Contact Person:
Email: lychen@pku.edu.cn
Address: Laboratory of Cell Secretion and Metabolism Institute of Molecular Medicine Peking University Room 202 Wang Ke Zhen Building Haidian Road 52 Haidian District Beijing 100871 China
Country: China
Phone: +86 10 6276-4959
Line Designation: pku

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We are interested in development of state-of-the-art high spatiotemporal resolution fluorescence imaging techniques (including optics and algorithms development) for in vivo studies. We also use these new technologies to study the mechanisms of blood glucose regulation and the pathogenesis of diabetes, using zebrafish and mouse models. Specifically, with Zebrafish, we are studying the mechanisms regulating pancreatic beta cell functional maturation and the regulatory effects of alpha cells on beta cells development, function and regeneration.


Du, J., Zheng, L., Gao, P., Yang, H., Yang, W.J., Guo, F., Liang, R., Feng, M., Wang, Z., Zhang, Z., Bai, L., Bu, Y., Xing, S., Zheng, W., Wang, X., Quan, L., Hu, X., Wu, H., Chen, Z., Chen, L., Wei, K., Zhang, Z., Zhu, X., Zhang, X., Tu, Q., Zhao, S.M., Lei, X., Xiong, J.W. (2022) A small-molecule cocktail promotes mammalian cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart regeneration. Cell Stem Cell. 29:545-558.e13
Zhao, J., Liang, S., Zhao, Y., Zong, W., Tran, E., Chen, L., Liu, Y. (2021) In vivo Imaging of Calcium Activities from Pancreatic β-cells in Zebrafish Embryos Using Spinning-disc Confocal and Two-photon Light-sheet Microscopy. Bio-protocol. 11:e4245
Pang, M., Bai, L., Zong, W., Wang, X., Bu, Y., Xiong, C., Zheng, J., Li, J., Gao, W., Feng, Z., Chen, L., Zhang, J., Cheng, H., Zhu, X., Xiong, J.W. (2020) Light-sheet fluorescence imaging charts the gastrula origin of vascular endothelial cells in early zebrafish embryos. Cell discovery. 6:74
Yao, Q., Li, L., Huang, X., Li, H., Fang, Y., Xia, J., Fan, J., Chen, L., Wang, J., Peng, X. (2019) A photo-stable fluorescent tracker for Imaging Mitochondria with Super Resolution. Analytical chemistry. 91(24):15777-15783
Zhao, J., Zong, W., Zhao, Y., Gou, D., Liang, S., Shen, J., Wu, Y., Zheng, X., Wu, R., Wang, X., Niu, F., Wang, A., Zhang, Y., Xiong, J.W., Chen, L., Liu, Y. (2019) In Vivo imaging of β-cell function reveals glucose-mediated heterogeneity of β-cell functional development. eLIFE. 8:
Chen, B., Rong, H., Huang, X., Wu, R., Wu, D., Li, Y., Feng, L., Zhang, Z., Chen, L., Wang, A. (2017) Robust hollow-fiber-pigtailed 930 nm femtosecond Nd:fiber laser for volumetric two-photon imaging. Optics express. 25:22704-22709