Fig. 6

Figures for Baek et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 6 Pseudotime analysis (injury response + progenitor activation) (A–C) UMAPs of pseudotime trajectories of subsetted central SC and HC lineage cells. (A) Dark purple shows cells at the beginning of pseudotime and yellow cells at the end. (B) UMAP with the location of cells from different time points highlighted in different colors. (C) Cluster analysis groups cells with similar transcriptomes into 10 different clusters. After the branch point, cells either follow the central SC lineage (blue arrow) or they follow the HC lineage (green arrow). (D) Feature plot of cd44a that is enriched in cells before the branch point. (E) gata2b is enriched in the central SC lineage. (F) rbm24a labels the HC lineage. (G) Heatmap of markers enriched in the injury response + progenitor activation population, partitioned into clusters. (H–J) Feature plots of fosab (H), irg1l (I), and lima1a (J) that are expressed in the injury response + progenitor activation central SC population. (K and L) Line plots showing the scaled expression of fosab, irg1l, and lima1a along the pseudotime trajectory in the (K) central SC lineage and (L) HC lineage. Individual cells are represented by color-coded tics on the x axis.

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Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 57(6), Baek, S., Tran, N.T.T., Diaz, D.C., Tsai, Y.Y., Acedo, J.N., Lush, M.E., Piotrowski, T., Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals three sequential phases of gene expression during zebrafish sensory hair cell regeneration, 799-819.e6, Copyright (2022) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell