Fig. 2

Figures for Barthelson et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Fig. 2 A) Heatmap showing the significant KEGG [29] gene sets in psen2 heterozygous mutant brains, clustered based on their Euclidean distance. The columns represent the gene sets which are significant in at least one comparison, and the rows are the two comparisons. The color of each cell represents the significance value with more significant gene sets appearing lighter. The numbers within each cell are the FDR-adjusted harmonic mean p-values (HMP). ns, not significant. B) Heatmap indicating the logFC of genes in the KEGG_RIBOSOME gene set in EOfAD/+ and FS/+ brains. C) Upset plot showing the overlap of leading edge genes from the fgsea algorithm in gene sets found to be altered in EOfAD-like/+ brains, and D) FS/+ brains. See the online version for color.

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