Figure 3

Figures for Griffin et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Figure 3

Phenotypic screening of clemizole analogues. Twenty-eight clemizole analogues were screened for efficacy in suppressing the high-velocity seizure-like swim behaviour observed in scn1lab mutant zebrafish. Plots show the change in mean swim velocity of 5 dpf larvae screened at (a) 100 µM, or (b) 250 µM. Threshold for inhibition of seizure activity (positive hits—yellow data points) was determined as a reduction in mean swim velocity of ≥40% (red dashed line). The red data points represent compounds that were classified as toxic after 90-min exposure. The heat map shows the % change in velocity for the six individual larva from the first trial (1–6). Mean velocity change from six individual fish is shown for trial 1 and 2. Clemizole analogue 25 (*) failed to go into solution at 250 µM so it was not considered for further testing.

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