Fig 8

Figures for Buchan et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig 8 Larvae expressing only human MPO do not stain with myeloperoxidase-dependent Sudan Black B. Four groups of larvae were fixed at 4dpf and stained with Sudan Black B: mpxwt/NL144, Tg(lyz:Hsa.MPO-mEmerald,cmlc2:EGFP)sh496; mpxwt/NL144, mpxNL144 and Tg(lyz:Hsa.MPO-mEmerald,cmlc2:EGFP)sh496; mpxNL144. mpxwt/NL144 and Tg(lyz:Hsa.MPO-mEmerald,cmlc2:EGFP)sh496; mpxwt/NL144 stained (18/18, 16/16 respectively); mpxNL144 and Tg(lyz:Hsa.MPO-mEmerald,cmlc2:EGFP)sh496; mpxNL144 did not stain (20/20, 22/22 respectively). Dashed outline indicates the enlarged region shown adjacent. Scale bar = 200μm.

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