Fig. S3

Figures for Narboux-Neme et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig. S3

(A-H) Lateral views of whole-mount in situ hybridization in controls (injected with water) and dlx5a/6a zebrafish morphants for fgf8a at 16 hpf (A-B), shha at 24 hpf and 48 hpf (C-F) and for bmp4 at 48 hpf (G-H) (n>8 for each condition). The inactivation of dlx5a/6aleads to defects of somite boundaries as highlighted by fgf8a expression in the anterior somitic mesoderm at 16 hpf (A-B). Expression of shha in the notochord and neural tube floor plate well reveals the ondulating axis phenotype observed in dlx5a/6a morphants (C-F). At 48 hpf, the axis malformation is associated with a decrease of bmp4 expression in the spinal cord (G-H). Abbreviations: cn, chordoneural hinge; fp, floor plate; mff, median fin fold; my, myotomes; nc, notochord; nt, neural tube; sm, somites; sp, spinal cord. Scale bar in G for A-B 75 μm, for C-H 100 μm.

Figure Data
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