Fig. S5

Figures for Otten et al., 2018
Figure Caption

Fig. S5

Indirubin-3-monoxime (IR3mo) rescues the CCM phenotype in krit1ty219c mutant zebrafish and CCM2- and CCM3-depleted HUVECs.

Treatment with 5 lM IR3mo rescues the embryonic zebrafish krit1ty219c mutant ballooning heart phenotype. Shown are images of confocal z-scan projections of wild-type (WT) (A, C) and krit1ty219 mutant (B, D) zebrafish embryonic hearts at 48 hpf expressing the endothelial reporter Tg(kdrl:GFP)s843 (green) and counterstained for ACTIN (red). Scale bar is 50 lm.

Treatment with 10 lM IR3mo for 48 h rescued the CCM phenotype in CCM2- or CCM3-depleted HUVECs. Shown are confocal images of HUVECs with labeled VE-cadherin (green) and F-ACTIN (red). Control siRNA-silenced (E, F), CCM2 siRNA-silenced (G, H), or CCM3 siRNA-silenced (I, J) HUVECs untreated (E, G, I) or treated (F, H, J) with IR3mo. Scale bar is 10 lm.

Figure Data
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