Fig. 4

Figures for Zeng et al., 2017
Figure Caption

Fig. 4

The Blood-brain Barrier is general not disturbed by GBM xenografts. (A) Z-stack confocal images showing the location of GFP-labeled GBM xenograft in a 6dpf zebrafish, and the dilation of tumor-related red cerebral capillaries. DAPI was injected into the zebrafish circulation 1 hour before taking the living image. Dotted line indicates the brain area. (B) Higher resolution image of the GBM xenograft showing the obvious vessel dilation and related endothelial proliferation (indicated by nucleus number) within the tumor (arrow). (C) DAPI was strictly restrained in the tumor vessels of GBM xenografts in 7dpf zebrafish brain. Endothelial nucleus of the GBM cerebral vessels were stained by DAPI (red, pseudo-color), no cells that outside of the vessels were stained, indicating the incapability of DAPI crossing the GBM vessels.

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