Fig. 5

Figures for Lee et al., 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

Neuromast SCs with different capacities in HC regeneration and proliferation.

Hybrid larvae of pou4f3:GFP and ET20 fish ablated in HCs only (A,D), HC/fgfr1a(+) SCs (B,E), or HC/fgfr1a(-) SCs (C,F) were stained with HCS1 (A-C) or BrdU (D-F) antibody, to illustrate proliferating (BrdU+) and regenerated HCs (HCS1+). (G) Quantification showed that only HC/fgfr1a(+) SC ablation significantly reduced the regenerated HCs. (H) Quantification showed that HC/fgfr1a(+) SC ablation increased the number of proliferating cells; whereas HC/fgfr1a(-) SC ablation reduced the proliferating cells. (G,H) ***p<0.001; *p<0.05. n = 12 in each group. Scale bars: 10 μm.

Figure Data
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