Fig. 5

Figures for Zhang et al., 2017
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

eIF3i is required for vascular endothelial cells to respond to tumor signals. A. Knockdown of eIF3i suppressed tumor induced HUVECs migration. BM, basic medium. HCM, hypoxic conditional medium. Scale bars, 100μm. B. The statistics of invaded cell. BM/control siRNA (n=4), BM/eIF3i siRNA 1# (n=2), HCM/control siRNA (n=4), HCM/eIF3i siRNA 1# (n=4). *p<0.05, ***p< 0.001. C. Knockdown of eIF3i inhibited tumor induced HUVECs proliferation. CM, conditional medium. (n=3). D. eIF3i loss-of-function inhibits tumorigenic angiogenesis in zebrafish B16-RFP melanoma cells xenografts. The red channel represents tumor, and the green channel represents the blood vessels. The white arrowheads point to endothelial cell migrated into tumor mass. Scale bars, 500μm.

Figure Data
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