Fig. 1

Figures for Wolf et al., 2017
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

CHEST cells are a primary endothelial-like stromal cell line derived from the CHT of 72hpf zebrafish.

(A) Isolation and culture strategy for CHEST cells. Red hatched lines indicate the tissue removed for deriving CHEST cells, and the blue hatched lines indicate the anatomical location of the CHT region. (B) Monolayers of CHEST cells stained with May-Grünwald Giemsa. Top image: 400x, scale bar is 200 μm; bottom image: 1000x, scale bar is 50 μm. (C) RT-PCR analysis of (i) hematopoietic, (ii) hematopoietic-supportive cytokines, (iii) inflammatory signals, (iv) Notch pathway mediators, (v) skeletal muscle, and (vi) cardiac and endothelial transcripts. Gel images have been cropped for clarity of presentation.

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