Fig. S9

Figures for Guo et al., 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. S9

Effect of RhoA mRNA injection on body curvature of Tg(hsp:Gal-VP:EGFP:UAS:lbx1b) with heat shock at 12 hpf.

(A) Dorsal views of 48 hpf Tg(hsp:Gal-VP:EGFP:UAS:lbx1b) embryos upon heat shock (HS) at 12 hpf with buffer (HS12h) or RhoA mRNA (HS12h+RhoA) injection. (B) Quantitative analysis of body curvature in Tg(hsp:Gal-VP:EGFP:UAS:lbx1b) embryos upon HS at 12 hpf with buffer injection (lbx1b, n = 13) or RhoA mRNA injection (lbx1b+RhoA, n = 13). Significant change in axis development was not observed in RhoA-injected embryos with HS at 12 hpf. Severity of body curvature was quantified by the angle as shown in Fig 3E. F2 lines of driver and responder transgenic fish were used.

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