Fig. S13

Figures for Guo et al., 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. S13

Severe convergent extension defects and body curvature in Tg(GATA2-1b:lbx1b) F1 embryos.

(A) The constructs used for transgenesis in zebrafish with the tol2 transposon system are shown. The cardiac specific promoter cmlc2 drives EGFP expression in the heart as a transgenic marker. (B) RT-PCR for 11 hpf embryos of Tg(GATA2-1b:MCS) F1 (MCS) and Tg(GATA2-1b:lbx1b) F1 (lbx1b) shows the elevated expression of lbx1b in lbx1b embryos. Ef-1α was used as a constitutive control. (C) Dorsal views of In situ hybridization for papc (paraxial mesoderm marker) at 11 hpf. Severe convergent defects were found in lbx1b embryos. The scale bar represents 200 µm. (D) Dorsal views of embryos at 48 hpf. Severe body curvature was observed in lbx1b embryos. The scale bar represents 1 mm.

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