Fig. S8

Figures for Alexander et al., 2014
Figure Caption

Fig. S8 BIO disrupts dorsal-ventral patterning gene expression. (A–L) Lateral views of whole mount ISH for D-V patterning genes in embryos treated with DMSO (A, D, G, J), 50 µM BIO (B, E, H, K), and 100 µM BIO (C, F, I, L) for 6 hours at 24 hpf. With increasing concentrations of BIO, expression of the ventral-intermediate gene msxe expands dorsally (B, C) (black arrowheads). In response to BIO treatments, expression domains of hand2 (H–I) and dlx3b (E–F) only expand slightly. Expression of the dorsally restricted jag1b is reduced (asterisk) in the first and second arches of BIO treated embryos (K–L).

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