Fig. S2

Figures for Antinucci et al., 2013
Figure Caption

Fig. S2 RGC Functional Responses to Drifting Bars, Related to Figure 5 and Movies S1-S3
(A-C) Parametric maps of single 5 dpf Tg(Isl2b:Gal4;UAS:SyGCaMP3) larvae (one larva per animal group) representing the spatial distribution of direction-selective (DS, magenta), orientationselective (OS, green) and other visually responsive voxels (others, grey) superimposed onto the mean fluorescence images of SyGCaMP3-expressing axons (greyscale). Note that the tenm3 morphant larva (C) shows substantially less OS voxels than WT and control MO-injected larvae (A and B). Dashed lines indicate the skin overlaying the tectum. (D-E) Montages showing integral responses (grayscale) of all voxels (RGC axons expressing SyGCaMP3) in the tectal neuropil of the larvae described in (A-C). Note that all three larvae exhibit complex response patterns to moving bars. Direction of motion is shown on the bottom right in each panel. Scale bars = 20 μm. A, anterior; L, lateral. The three representative larvae shown in (A-E) are the same used to generate Movies S1-S3.

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