Fig. 8

Figures for Parente et al., 2013
Figure Caption

Fig. 8 Myocardial cells positive for PCNA induced by H/R in vivo.

Cardiomyocytes proliferation was assessed under baseline conditions and 18 h to 30d after H/R in Tg(cmlc2:nucDsRed) zebrafish line. (a) Representative image of a zebrafish heart ventricular section 18 h after H/R showing colocalization of DAPI, DsRed and PCNA stainings. Arrows indicate cardiomyocyte PCNA+ nuclei. (b) Following H/R, there was a progressive increase in PCNA+ cardiomyocytes nuclei; the peak increase was achieved at the 3d time point, and at 30d the number of PCNA+ myocardial cells was back to control value (n = 3 at each time point; ** p<0.01 and *** p<0.001 vs. C).

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