Fig. 5

Figures for Berndt et al., 2006
Figure Caption

Fig. 5 ΔTCFgfp disrupts cell cycle and crestin expression and eliminates cyclin D1 and sema3d expression. (A-I) Immunodetection of BrdU (A,B,I) and in situ hybridization for crestin (C,D), cyclinD1 (E,F), sema3d (G,H) in the hindbrain at 17 hpf of heat-shocked wild-type siblings (A,C,E,G), ΔTCFgfp transgenic (B,D,F,H), and ΔTCFgfp + Sema3dmyc double-transgenic (I) embryos. (J) Quantification of the number of BrdU-labeled nuclei in the neuroepithelium of rhombomeres 3-5. Numbers in parentheses indicate n. *P<10-13 versus wild-type sibling, #P<10-4 versus ΔTCFgfp, t-test. (A-I) Dorsal views, anterior is leftwards. oto, otocyst. Scale bar: 40 μm for A-I.

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