Hammerschmidt et al., 1996 - Mutations affecting morphogenesis during gastrulation and tail formation in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development (Cambridge, England)   123:143-151 Full text @ Development
34 Genes / Markers
Marker Type Symbol Name
Gene cdh2 cadherin 2, type 1, N-cadherin (neuronal)
Gene cdx4 caudal type homeobox 4
Gene dlx3b distal-less homeobox 3b
Gene dns dirty nose
Gene eve1 even-skipped-like1
Gene foxa3 forkhead box A3
Gene foxb1a forkhead box B1a
Gene gon4lb gon-4 like b
Gene gsc goosecoid
Gene ind indigested
Gene mpt mal profit
Gene myod1 myogenic differentiation 1
Gene pax2a paired box 2a
Gene pax6a paired box 6a
Gene sam samson
Gene sch sancho panza
Gene shha sonic hedgehog signaling molecule a
Gene snai1a snail family zinc finger 1a
Gene szl sizzled
Gene tbx16 T-box transcription factor 16
Gene tbxta T-box transcription factor Ta
Gene tdgf1 teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1
Gene unm_ta76a un-named ta76a
Gene unm_tc223 un-named tc223
Gene unm_tc318e un-named tc318e
Gene unm_tg283d un-named tg283d
Gene unm_tl27 un-named tl27
Gene unm_tm57b un-named tm57b
Gene unm_ts242c un-named ts242c
Gene unm_tt279a un-named tt279a
Gene vangl2 VANGL planar cell polarity protein 2
Gene wnt3a wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 3A
Gene wnt5b wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 5b
Gene zja zwangsjacke