ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-170214-7
Bianco Lab
PI/Director: Bianco, Isaac
Contact Person: Bianco, Isaac
Email: i.bianco@ucl.ac.uk
URL: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/npp/research/ib
Address: Department Neuroscience, Physiology & Pharmacology University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(0)20-3549-5509
Line Designation: u

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We study sensorimotor circuits controlling innate visually guided behaviours.

Antinucci, Paride Post-Doc Henriques, Pedro Graduate Student Lau, Joanna Graduate Student

Powell, G.T., Faro, A., Zhao, Y., Stickney, H., Novellasdemunt, L., Henriques, P., Gestri, G., Redhouse White, E., Ren, J., Lu, W., Young, R.M., Hawkins, T.A., Cavodeassi, F., Schwarz, Q., Dreosti, E., Raible, D.W., Li, V.S.W., Wright, G.J., Jones, E.Y., Wilson, S.W. (2024) Cachd1 interacts with Wnt receptors and regulates neuronal asymmetry in the zebrafish brain. Science (New York, N.Y.). 384:573579573-579
Zylbertal, A., Bianco, I.H. (2023) Recurrent network interactions explain tectal response variability and experience-dependent behavior. eLIFE. 12:
Hernández-Bejarano, M., Gestri, G., Monfries, C., Tucker, L., Dragomir, E.I., Bianco, I.H., Bovolenta, P., Wilson, S.W., Cavodeassi, F. (2022) Foxd1-dependent induction of a temporal retinal character is required for visual function. Development (Cambridge, England). 149(24):
Turner, K.J., Hawkins, T.A., Henriques, P.M., Valdivia, L.E., Bianco, I.H., Wilson, S.W., Folgueira, M. (2022) A Structural Atlas of the Developing Zebrafish Telencephalon Based on Spatially-Restricted Transgene Expression. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 16:840924
Tuschl, K., White, R.J., Trivedi, C., Valdivia, L.E., Niklaus, S., Bianco, I.H., Dadswell, C., González-Méndez, R., Sealy, I.M., Neuhauss, S.C.F., Houart, C., Rihel, J., Wilson, S.W., Busch-Nentwich, E.M. (2022) Loss of slc39a14 causes simultaneous manganese hypersensitivity and deficiency in zebrafish. Disease models & mechanisms. 15(6)
Madden, M.E., Suminaite, D., Ortiz, E., Early, J.E., Koudelka, S., Livesey, M.R., Bianco, I.H., Granato, M., Lyons, D.A. (2021) Central nervous system hypomyelination disrupts axonal conduction and behaviour in larval zebrafish. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 41(44):9099-9111
Almeida, R.G., Williamson, J.M., Madden, M.E., Early, J.J., Voas, M.G., Talbot, W.S., Bianco, I.H., Lyons, D.A. (2021) Myelination induces axonal hotspots of synaptic vesicle fusion that promote sheath growth. Current biology : CB. 31(17):3743-3754.e5
Griffiths, V.A., Valera, A.M., Lau, J.Y., Roš, H., Younts, T.J., Marin, B., Baragli, C., Coyle, D., Evans, G.J., Konstantinou, G., Koimtzis, T., Nadella, K.M.N.S., Punde, S.A., Kirkby, P.A., Bianco, I.H., Silver, R.A. (2020) Real-time 3D movement correction for two-photon imaging in behaving animals. Nature Methods. 17(7):741-748
Antinucci, P., Dumitrescu, A., Deleuze, C., Morley, H.J., Leung, K., Hagley, T., Kubo, F., Baier, H., Bianco, I.H., Wyart, C. (2020) A calibrated optogenetic toolbox of stable zebrafish opsin lines. eLIFE. 9:
Folgueira, M., Riva-Mendoza, S., Ferreño-Galmán, N., Castro, A., Bianco, I.H., Anadón, R., Yáñez, J. (2020) Anatomy and Connectivity of the Torus Longitudinalis of the Adult Zebrafish. Frontiers in neural circuits. 14:8
Gebhardt, C., Auer, T.O., Henriques, P.M., Rajan, G., Duroure, K., Bianco, I.H., Del Bene, F. (2019) An interhemispheric neural circuit allowing binocular integration in the optic tectum. Nature communications. 10:5471
Antinucci, P., Folgueira, M., Bianco, I.H. (2019) Pretectal neurons control hunting behaviour. eLIFE. 8:
Wee, C.L., Nikitchenko, M., Wang, W.C., Luks-Morgan, S.J., Song, E., Gagnon, J.A., Randlett, O., Bianco, I.H., Lacoste, A.M.B., Glushenkova, E., Barrios, J.P., Schier, A.F., Kunes, S., Engert, F., Douglass, A.D. (2019) Zebrafish oxytocin neurons drive nocifensive behavior via brainstem premotor targets. Nature Neuroscience. 22(9):1477-1492
Henriques, P.M., Rahman, N., Jackson, S.E., Bianco, I.H. (2019) Nucleus Isthmi Is Required to Sustain Target Pursuit during Visually Guided Prey-Catching. Current biology : CB. 29(11):1771-1786.e5
Cheung, A., Trevers, K.E., Reyes-Corral, M., Antinucci, P., Hindges, R. (2019) Expression and Roles of Teneurins in Zebrafish. Frontiers in neuroscience. 13:158
Young, R.M., Hawkins, T.A., Cavodeassi, F., Stickney, H.L., Schwarz, Q., Lawrence, L.M., Wierzbicki, C., Cheng, B.Y., Luo, J., Ambrosio, E.M., Klosner, A., Sealy, I.M., Rowell, J., Trivedi, C.A., Bianco, I.H., Allende, M.L., Busch-Nentwich, E.M., Gestri, G., Wilson, S.W. (2019) Compensatory growth renders Tcf7l1a dispensable for eye formation despite its requirement in eye field specification. eLIFE. 8:
Antinucci, P., Hindges, R. (2018) Orientation-Selective Retinal Circuits in Vertebrates. Frontiers in neural circuits. 12:11
Schoppik, D., Bianco, I.H., Prober, D.A., Douglass, A.D., Robson, D.N., Li, J.M.B., Greenwood, J.S.F., Soucy, E., Engert, F., Schier, A.F. (2017) Gaze-stabilizing central vestibular neurons project asymmetrically to extraocular motoneuron pools. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 37(47):11353-11365
Wolf, S., Dubreuil, A.M., Bertoni, T., Böhm, U.L., Bormuth, V., Candelier, R., Karpenko, S., Hildebrand, D.G.C., Bianco, I.H., Monasson, R., Debrégeas, G. (2017) Sensorimotor computation underlying phototaxis in zebrafish. Nature communications. 8:651
Hildebrand, D.G.C., Cicconet, M., Torres, R.M., Choi, W., Quan, T.M., Moon, J., Wetzel, A.W., Scott Champion, A., Graham, B.J., Randlett, O., Plummer, G.S., Portugues, R., Bianco, I.H., Saalfeld, S., Baden, A.D., Lillaney, K., Burns, R., Vogelstein, J.T., Schier, A.F., Lee, W.A., Jeong, W.K., Lichtman, J.W., Engert, F. (2017) Whole-brain serial-section electron microscopy in larval zebrafish. Nature. 545(7654):345-349
Lopes, S.S., Distel, M., Linker, C., Fior, R., Monteiro, R., Bianco, I.H., Portugues, R., Strähle, U., Saúde, L. (2016) Report of the 4th European Zebrafish Principal Investigator Meeting. Zebrafish. 13(6):590-595
Zou, M., Friedrich, R.W., Bianco, I.H. (2016) Targeted Electroporation in Embryonic, Larval, and Adult Zebrafish. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1451:259-69
Bianco, I.H., Engert, F. (2015) Visuomotor Transformations Underlying Hunting Behavior in Zebrafish. Current biology : CB. 25(7):831-46
Hüsken, U., Stickney, H.L., Gestri, G., Bianco, I.H., Faro, A., Young, R.M., Roussigne, M., Hawkins, T.A., Beretta, C.A., Brinkmann, I., Paolini, A., Jacinto, R., Albadri, S., Dreosti, E., Tsalavouta, M., Schwarz, Q., Cavodeassi, F., Barth, A.K., Wen, L., Zhang, B., Blader, P., Yaksi, E., Poggi, L., Zigman, M., Lin, S., Wilson, S.W., Carl, M. (2014) Tcf7l2 Is Required for Left-Right Asymmetric Differentiation of Habenular Neurons. Current biology : CB. 24(19):2217-27
Bianco, I.H., Ma, L.H., Schoppik, D., Robson, D.N., Orger, M.B., Beck, J.C., Li, J.M., Schier, A.F., Engert, F., and Baker, R. (2012) The Tangential Nucleus Controls a Gravito-inertial Vestibulo-ocular Reflex. Current biology : CB. 22(14):1285-1295
Bianco, I.H., Kampff, A.R., and Engert, F. (2011) Prey capture behavior evoked by simple visual stimuli in larval zebrafish. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 2011(5):101
Roussigné, M., Bianco, I.H., Wilson, S.W., and Blader, P. (2009) Nodal signalling imposes left-right asymmetry upon neurogenesis in the habenular nuclei. Development (Cambridge, England). 136(9):1549-1557
Bianco, I.H., and Wilson, S.W. (2009) The habenular nuclei: a conserved asymmetric relay station in the vertebrate brain. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. 364(1519):1005-1020
Tawk, M., Bianco, I.H., and Clarke, J.D. (2009) Focal electroporation in zebrafish embryos and larvae. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 546:145-151
Bianco, I.H., Carl, M., Russell, C., Clarke, J.D., and Wilson, S.W. (2008) Brain asymmetry is encoded at the level of axon terminal morphology. Neural Development. 3:9
Carl, M., Bianco, I.H., Bajoghli, B., Aghaallaei, N., Czerny, T., and Wilson, S.W. (2007) Wnt/Axin1/beta-Catenin Signaling Regulates Asymmetric Nodal Activation, Elaboration, and Concordance of CNS Asymmetries. Neuron. 55(3):393-405
Barth, K.A., Miklosi, A., Watkins, J., Bianco, I.H., Wilson, S.W., and Andrew, R.J. (2005) fsi Zebrafish Show Concordant Reversal of Laterality of Viscera, Neuroanatomy, and a Subset of Behavioral Responses. Current biology : CB. 15(9):844-850
Aizawa, H., Bianco, I.H., Hamaoka, T., Miyashita, T., Uemura, O., Concha, M.L., Russell, C., Wilson, S.W., and Okamoto, H. (2005) Laterotopic Representation of Left-Right Information onto the Dorso-Ventral Axis of a Zebrafish Midbrain Target Nucleus. Current biology : CB. 15(3):238-243