ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-060731-6
Aghaallaei, Narges
Email: narges.aghaallaei@cos.uni-heidelberg.de
Affiliation: Bajoghli Lab
Address: University Hospital Tübingen, Division of Translational Oncology, Otfried-Müller-Strasse 10, 72076-Tübingen, Germany
Country: Germany


Walter, B., Hirsch, S., Kuhlburger, L., Stahl, A., Schnabel, L., Wisser, S., Haeusser, L.A., Tsiami, F., Plöger, S., Aghaallaei, N., Dick, A.M., Skokowa, J., Schmees, C., Templin, M., Schenke-Layland, K., Tatagiba, M., Nahnsen, S., Merk, D.J., Tabatabai, G. (2024) Functionally-instructed modifiers of response to ATR inhibition in experimental glioma. Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR. 43:7777
Bhatia, S., Spanier, L., Bickel, D., Dienstbier, N., Woloschin, V., Vogt, M., Pols, H., Lungerich, B., Reiners, J., Aghaallaei, N., Diedrich, D., Frieg, B., Schliehe-Diecks, J., Bopp, B., Lang, F., Gopalswamy, M., Loschwitz, J., Bajohgli, B., Skokowa, J., Borkhardt, A., Hauer, J., Hansen, F.K., Smits, S.H.J., Jose, J., Gohlke, H., Kurz, T. (2022) Development of a First-in-Class Small-Molecule Inhibitor of the C-Terminal Hsp90 Dimerization. ACS central science. 8:636-655
Doll, L., Aghaallaei, N., Dick, A.M., Welte, K., Skokowa, J., Bajoghli, B. (2020) A zebrafish model for HAX1-associated congenital neutropenia. Haematologica. 106(5):1311-1320
Bajoghli, B., Dick, A.M., Claasen, A., Doll, L., Aghaallaei, N. (2019) Zebrafish and Medaka: Two Teleost Models of T-Cell and Thymic Development. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20(17)
Morishima, T., Krahl, A.C., Nasri, M., Xu, Y., Aghaallaei, N., Findik, B., Klimiankou, M., Ritter, M., Hartmann, M.D., Gloeckner, C.J., Stefańczyk, S., Lindner, C., Oswald, B., Bernhard, R., Hähnel, K., Hermanutz-Klein, U., Ebinger, M., Handgretinger, R., Casadei, N., Welte, K., Andre, M., Müller, P., Bajoghli, B., Skokowa, J. (2019) LMO2 activation by deacetylation is indispensable for hematopoiesis and T-ALL leukemogenesis. Blood. 134(14):1159-1175
Aghaallaei, N., Bajoghli, B. (2018) Making Thymus Visible: Understanding T-Cell Development from a New Perspective. Frontiers in immunology. 9:375
Doenz, G., Dorn, S., Aghaallaei, N., Bajoghli, B., Riegel, E., Aigner, M., Bock, H., Werner, B., Lindhorst, T., Czerny, T. (2018) The function of tcf3 in medaka embryos: efficient knockdown with pePNAs. BMC Biotechnology. 18:1
Bajoghli, B., Ramialison, M., Aghaallaei, N., Czerny, T., and Wittbrodt, J. (2009) Identification of starmaker-like in medaka as a putative target gene of Pax2 in the otic vesicle. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 238(11):2860-2866
Bajoghli, B., Aghaallaei, N., Hess, I., Rode, I., Netuschil, N., Tay, B.H., Venkatesh, B., Yu, J.K., Kaltenbach, S.L., Holland, N.D., Diekhoff, D., Happe, C., Schorpp, M., and Boehm, T. (2009) Evolution of genetic networks underlying the emergence of thymopoiesis in vertebrates. Cell. 138(1):186-197
Carl, M., Bianco, I.H., Bajoghli, B., Aghaallaei, N., Czerny, T., and Wilson, S.W. (2007) Wnt/Axin1/beta-Catenin Signaling Regulates Asymmetric Nodal Activation, Elaboration, and Concordance of CNS Asymmetries. Neuron. 55(3):393-405
Bajoghli, B., Aghaallaei, N., Soroldoni, D., and Czerny, T. (2007) The roles of Groucho/Tle in left-right asymmetry and Kupffer's vesicle organogenesis. Developmental Biology. 303(1):347-361
Soroldoni, D., Bajoghli, B., Aghaallaei, N., Czerny, T. (2007) Dynamic expression pattern of Nodal-related genes during left-right development in medaka. Gene expression patterns : GEP. 7(1-2):93-101
Aghaallaei, N., Bajoghli, B., Walter, I., Czerny, T. (2005) Duplicated members of the Groucho/Tle gene family in fish.. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 234(1):143-50
Bajoghli, B., Aghaallaei, N., Heimbucher, T., and Czerny, T. (2004) An artificial promoter construct for heat-inducible misexpression during fish embryogenesis. Developmental Biology. 271(2):416-430

Ramialison M, Bajoghli B, Aghaallaei N, Ettwiller L, Gaudan S, Wittbrodt B, Czerny T, Wittbrodt J. Rapid identification of PAX2/5/8 direct downstream targets in the otic vesicle by combinatorial use of bioinformatics tools. Genome Biol. 2008 Oct 1;9(10):R145.

Heimbucher T, Murko C, Bajoghli B, Aghaallaei N, Huber A, Stebegg R, Eberhard D, Fink M, Simeone A, Czerny T. Gbx2 and Otx2 interact with the WD40 domain of Groucho/Tle corepressors. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Jan;27(1):340-51

Hochmann, S., Aghaallaei, N., Bajoghli, B., Soroldoni, D., Carl, M., and Czerny, T. (2007) Expression of marker genes during early ear development in medaka. Gene Expr. Patterns. 7(3):355-362

Soroldoni D, Bajoghli B, Aghaallaei N, Czerny T. Dynamic expression pattern of Nodal-related genes during left-right development in medaka. Gene Expr Patterns. 2007 Jan;7(1-2):93-101

Aghaallaei N, Bajoghli B, Walter I, Czerny T. Duplicated members of the Groucho/Tle gene family in fish. Dev Dyn. 2005 Sep;234(1):143-50.

Bajoghli B, Aghaallaei N, Czerny T.Groucho corepressor proteins regulate otic vesicle outgrowth. Dev Dyn. 2005 Jul;233(3):760-71.

Bajoghli B, Aghaallaei N, Heimbucher T, Czerny T.An artificial promoter construct for heat-inducible misexpression during fish embryogenesis. Dev Biol. 2004 Jul 15;271(2):416-30.