ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-100414-1
Jackman Lab
PI/Director: Jackman, William (Bill)
Contact Person: Jackman, William (Bill)
Email: wjackman@bowdoin.edu
URL: http://www.bowdoin.edu/faculty/w/wjackman
Address: Bowdoin College 6500 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011
Country: United States
Phone: 207-798-4396
Line Designation: bo

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Our research investigates the genetic control of zebrafish embryonic tooth development.


Jackman, W.R., Miranda Portillo, L.S., Cox, C.K., Ambrosio, A., Gibert, Y. (2024) Blocking endogenous retinoic acid degradation induces oral tooth formation in zebrafish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121:e2321162121e2321162121
Sadier, A., Jackman, W.R., Laudet, V., Gibert, Y. (2020) The Vertebrate Tooth Row: Is It Initiated by a Single Organizing Tooth?. BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology. 42(6):e1900229
Jackman, W.R., Gibert, Y. (2020) Retinoic Acid Signaling and the Zebrafish Dentition During Development and Evolution. Sub-cellular biochemistry. 95:175-196
Gibert, Y., Samarut, E., Ellis, M.K., Jackman, W.R., Laudet, V. (2019) The first formed tooth serves as a signalling centre to induce the formation of the dental row in zebrafish. Proceedings. Biological sciences. 286:20190401
Yu, J.C., Fox, Z.D., Crimp, J.L., Littleford, H.E., Jowdry, A.L., Jackman, W.R. (2015) Hedgehog signaling regulates dental papilla formation and tooth size during zebrafish odontogenesis. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 244(4):577-90
Jackman, W.R., Davies, S.H., Lyons, D.B., Stauder, C.K., Denton-Schneider, B.R., Jowdry, A., Aigler, S.R., Vogel, S.A., Stock, D.W. (2013) Manipulation of Fgf and Bmp signaling in teleost fishes suggests potential pathways for the evolutionary origin of multicuspid teeth. Evolution & development. 15:107-18
Seritrakul, P., Samarut, E., Lama, T.T., Gibert, Y., Laudet, V., and Jackman, W.R. (2012) Retinoic acid expands the evolutionarily reduced dentition of zebrafish. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 26(12):5014-5024
Jackman, W.R., Yoo, J.J., and Stock, D.W. (2010) Hedgehog signaling is required at multiple stages of zebrafish tooth development. BMC Developmental Biology. 10:119
Gibert, Y., Bernard, L., Debiais-Thibaud, M., Bourrat, F., Joly, J.S., Pottin, K., Meyer, A., Retaux, S., Stock, D.W., Jackman, W.R., Seritrakul, P., Begemann, G., and Laudet, V. (2010) Formation of oral and pharyngeal dentition in teleosts depends on differential recruitment of retinoic acid signaling. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 24(9):3298-3309
Jackman, W.R., and Stock, D.W. (2006) Transgenic analysis of Dlx regulation in fish tooth development reveals evolutionary retention of enhancer function despite organ loss. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103(51):19390-19395
Stock, D.W., Jackman, W.R., and Trapani, J. (2006) Developmental genetic mechanisms of evolutionary tooth loss in cypriniform fishes. Development (Cambridge, England). 133(16):3127-3137
Jackman, W.R., Draper, B.W., and Stock, D.W. (2004) Fgf signaling is required for zebrafish tooth development. Developmental Biology. 274(1):139-157
Maves, L., Jackman, W., and Kimmel, C.B. (2002) FGF3 and FGF8 mediate a rhombomere 4 signaling activity in the zebrafish hindbrain. Development (Cambridge, England). 129:3825-3837